By Published On: April 1, 2014

Raise your mouse finger if you’ve stressed out over your company’s marketing plan. If you haven’t, feel free to skip along, Übermensch. But for the rest of us, there’s good reason. Marketing trends have a shelf life shorter than a loaf of bread.

But fret not. Follow these three tips and you’ll be well on your way to marketing success—and ready for the next marketing trade wind to blow in.

1) Define your goals.

Sounds simple, right? All you’ve got to do figure out how marketing can support the shifting (and sometimes competing) priorities of your company. On budget. Now. Yesterday.

So, yes, setting goals is difficult—but not impossible. Figure out your business objectives first and tactics second. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Then start with that.

Which brings us to our next point…


2) Start small.

You know when you have a to-do list of 20 projects around your house, you somehow end up on the couch binge watching Netflix? Same thing happens with a marketing plan. If you try to do too much at once, chances are you will accomplish little.

But focusing on a small section of your goal increases the chances you will start—and, more importantly, finish what you started. Want to increase your social media presence? Check out what your customers respond to online. Hoping to start a blog? Create a one-week content calendar.


3) Get help.

Help is out there. Lots of it. Now use it.

Look at it this way: People use your company because you’re really good at your particular industry, right? Same goes for marketing help. From blogs to agencies (us, for instance), there’s an unlimited amount of help out there.

But beware. The cheapest isn’t always the best. The first result doesn’t always have all the answers. Spend some time researching, and figure out what makes sense for you. With some time, you’ll have a couple blogs you trust and an agency you can count on.

Want some more tips on maintaining your sanity in the ever-changing marketing world in which we’re living? Contact us.

About the Author: cat-tonic

Born of curiosity and enthusiasm, we’re a scrappy group of smart, passionate marketers who work hard and play hard. We show up every day and fight for our clients who are making the world a better place. We listen with curiosity, explore deeply, ask hard questions, and sometimes put forth ideas that might make you squirm. Because we believe the status quo is good for growing mold but not much else. The way we see it, change is the way forward and the magic happens when curiosity, math, science, instinct, and talent intersect.
Management perspective
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