
Tag: technology

The Zen of Unplugging

Twenty years after my father had quit smoking I would watch him tap his shirt pocket, looking for his pack of cigarettes. The habit was so ingrained in his DNA I’m not even sure he was aware of his actions. Finish a meal, tap the pocket, get in the car, [...]

By |September 21, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , |

What does your social media activity reveal about you?

We engage our friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues, and random strangers on a daily basis. With the merger of social media into our day-to-day lives, marketers now have vast amounts of data to determine the influence of individuals. What does all that interaction say about you? Klout measures all your activity [...]

By |June 20, 2013|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Marketing in a tech-driven world

We’re all aware of how much marketing has changed in 5 years and as a marketing company, d.trio’s looked for ways to marry traditional, paper-based tools and channels with digital counterparts. We’ve started seeing the term “Marketing Technologist” used to describe the tech expert in a marketing company or department, [...]

Pinterest: 6 Do’s and Don’ts for Marketers

by Jordan Bainer, Senior Account Executive at d.trio All the internet is abuzz with marketing bloggers, social media experts, and data research firms extolling Pinterest for it’s ability to draw in users to visual stimuli and then drive them elsewhere to find more information and take action. It’s still considered [...]

By |March 7, 2012|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , |

Eye tracking basics. Guest blogger: Alexandra Franzen

What do your customers really see when they read your website pages? Read on for illumination from Alexandra, our guest blogger extraordinaire who has an eye for interesting and pertinent information. When a customer visits your company’s website, what do they really see? The truth? A big fat “F.” Don’t [...]

By |July 27, 2010|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

2010 Resolution follow-up #3 – Get out of the one or two channel rut

One-channel marketing is dead. If you are stuck on using only one or two channels, you are missing opportunities in today’s market. Marketing strategies to incorporate and maximize all of the new channels are moving at the speed of light. So it’s time to get educated and get on board. [...]

2010 Resolution follow up #2 – Try something new

Does your marketing plan looking like it did 2 years ago, or have you added some new strategies? Is the year 2010 the year you embrace change? There are so many exciting, new things happening with new media. If you don’t understand what is out there (and why), then first [...]

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